Welcome to george kroustalis photography

I was born in Athens on 12/12/1959.I took high school, school cinema “L. Stavrakos” (directed-camera-photography) and the faculty (programmer P/C).In 1980, in my production, I was written and directed short films "The WALL" and in 1981 "H2O" participations in “City of Drama” Festival. I worked as an assistant director with G. Sgourakis in productions of "my tongue gave Greek" and "Monogram".as well as many documentaries as director. As a director and production assistant did with G.Emirzas for summer “ERT-NET” TVmagazine "FORGIVE OUR HOLIDAYS".Later I worked as a Dj at Bar as a sound engineer in Audio Center with many concerts and recitals music.Make music composition through the computer and synthesizers, as I write poetry and prose works.Creating art and then in all its forms and thoughts, opinions and stories plucked from the mind which is so complex that tool in our lives! While the last 10 years I worked (for a living) in (Ministry of Interior) as head of P/C and secretarial as well as an employee of processing cases citizens. But digital art and creating all these years with the explosion of computers made to work endless hours, days, nights, and digital painting a world that exists around us. A world with thousands of colors and styles.In my world that is full of peace, love and sometimes anger, hatred and frustration for everything and everyone. I'm working so tirelessly on digital graphics art, and writing poems and prose.Video art, graphics animation, natural photography and multimedia applications for the internet and beyond. And writing prose, many poems, maybe a little difficult but to me they all have their own way.and their interpretations.As time passes, the dreams I have are so many that I want ten lifetimes to realize.But this is life, and to create art will never go through me and let us grow. By the end… George.


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art director

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Athens Greece in email : faust98a@hotmail.com

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